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What is the Helium Network?
Powered by the Helium Blockchain, The People’s Network represents a paradigm shift for decentralized wireless infrastructure. The Helium wireless network provides Long Range (LoRa) wireless access to customers of the Helium network. A common usage of the network is asset tracking of anything from rental bicycles and scooters to tools and equipment owned by businesses or municipalities. Unlike expensive GPS systems, the LoRa asset trackers are inexpensive and are powered only by a watch battery that lasts up to 10 years. New ideas for how to use the network are being invented every day, many of which will help with conservation of our environment. Take a farmer for example, who installs LoRa powered soil moisture sensors throughout their land which transmit soil conditions back to their irrigation system, automatically triggering the system to water only the areas needed, continuously saving thousands of gallons of water.

What is Helium Hotspot Hosting?
The Helium network is decentralized, so rather than Fortune 500 companies building, operating and profiting from skyscraper sized, unsightly antennas, the Helium network is the inverse – it is built on millions of antennas, hosted by you, The People. GTel’s Managed Hotspot Hosting service provides you passive, recurring income for hosting a Helium Hotspot at your home or business. Our Helium geeks do an analysis of every location and a professional installation in the perfect location, ensuring maximum wireless coverage for your area, along with maximum returns and profitability!

How do I make money with a Hosted Hotspot?
As the Helium Hotspot performs its duties on the blockchain, it mines the HNT cryptocurrency. As one of our Residential Hotspot Hosts, you have the option of receiving 50% of all mined HNT, delivered monthly, directly to your Helium wallet. Or choose to be paid 70% of monthly earnings in US Dollars. Don’t have a Helium wallet or even understand what all this means? No worries, we’ll get you setup, explain the basics and provide ongoing support. And as the value of HNT in your wallet increases, so does your income! See for yourself, click here and here to see how much two of our Hotspots are earning right now and click the 30D button to see how much they’ve earned in the past 30 days.

How much does it cost?
The up front cost to you is $0, due upon installation. Thereafter, you need only provide about $5.00 per year worth of electric for the 5 watt hotspot (about the same as an LED bulb), about 1Mbps of continuous Internet bandwidth, which equates to the size of emailing a half dozen or so pictures every month, and a good location within your home or business to place the hotspot.

How do I get started?
Fill out and submit our online Hotspot Hosting application and our Helium Engineers will review your location, to make sure it’s a good fit for our program. If we feel that your location will generate maximum returns for you, we’ll reach out to discuss the details. Upon acceptance into the program, a service tech will be dispatched to install the Hotspot, help you setup your Helium wallet and answer any other questions you might have. Once installed, your Hotspot and wallet is added to our Hotspot Management System (HMS) and payment is automatically sent to you every month. You’ll also be given a link to view the status of your Hotspot at any time you want, showing you how much your Hotspot is making, down to the hour. We promise, it may be a bit addictive, continually checking your earnings!
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